
Solar Powered Ware House. 

Sigaard Consulting has designed, installed and commissioned the Roof top solar plant for these 660kWp and 600kWp distribution centers. Owners can now enjoy clean taxfree renewable energy.

From agricultural farming land to solar park. 

Sigaard Consulting has transformed several farmlands into solar parks in Denmark and abroad. In cooperation with our partners, we have signed rental contracts with the landowners, secured the rights to feed-in to the grid and raised the interim financing for the parks. The full packages are purchased by an investor and Sigaard Consulting has managed the design, installed and commissioned the solar parks and successfully handed it over to the Client.

Off shore wind turbine projects
Sigaard Consulting supplied Senior Project Management, Project Management and Contract Management Services in the construction of foundations for The Beatrice and Horns Rev 3 projects. The Beatrice project is 84 Siemens 7MW turbines and the Horns Rev3 is 49 Siemens 7MW turbines.

Residential Roof Top Solar Systems

Installing residential roof top solar systems are more than just finding solar panels and inverters that can fit the house. We have development and designed specific packages for optimal yield in corporation with our OEM factorys. Approximately 900 residential solar systems have been installed in Denmark and abroad.