Solar parks

From agricultural land to grid connected renewable projects

Sigaard Consulting has vast experience in converting agricultural land into renewable energy parks. Our specialists can assist in any development stage of the project ensuring your project will be a commercial and technical success.

Cooperation is the Key

Our strategy is partnership with leading providers of services in each field, rather than having all stages of know-how in house. To be "best in class" requires having the strongest team. 

Legal partnership.

Sigaard consulting is partnered with the leading renewable lawyer firm in Denmark, which also represents a large number of landowners looking for capable partners to build renewable projects.

Our Legal partner insures landlease contracts, permits, grid connection agreements and PPA's are state of the art.
The legal partner also provides a safe management of funds in and out during installation and commission of the parks, insuring the investors funds are managed according to agreement

Asset management and administation partnership.

Administration of the renewable park when it is operational requires experience!  
Our asset management partner has over 40 years of experience in administrating real estate and renewable projects. Since 1973 they have managed many wind and solar projects. They insure payments and maintenance are done without any hassel for the investor.

Building the park partnership.

Our Preferred EPC contractor has many years of experience in erecting solar parks across Europe. It is a medium size company which insures Sigaard Consulting is in control though out the project. Using our combined experience, we design and pick the best suited components for the specific site.  

Third party Inspections.

An independent 3rd party inspection company will ensure installation and commission of the parks are supervised by specialists like site managers and commission experts. They also provide the needed documentation that parks are built according to specification.